Retreat to Move Forward: RSS

Categories: I Got Something to Say

There’s a popular belief that Google, and the internet in general, started going to shit the day it killed the beloved Google Reader. If nothing else, it was the first signal that the fun and experimental Google everyone knew and loved had put on its big boy pants and gotten down to Serious Business (i.e.,…

LADWP Power Plant 1

Categories: Photos

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, Power Plant 1. Completed in 1917, it was the first power plant to provide electricity to the city of Los Angeles, using water from the LA Aqueduct to turn waterwheels, generating 28MW of electricity. The power plant still operates today, providing 70MW of power, and two of the…

Week in Review — 20240623

Categories: Week in Review

A lot of travel this week, limiting the amount of interesting things I could accomplish this past week. I was in Kansas City, MO for a good deal of it and overall it wasn’t too bad of a time. I stayed at the 21C hotel and you know you’re in for something less than ordinary…

Week in Review – 20240616

Categories: Week in Review

This was thankfully a non-travel week for me in what has been a busy June so far, and I was able to start & continue several things this week Started the Basics of Python3 course at Code Academy. I’ve dabbled in programming in several languages over the years–JavaScript, Java, C++–as well as scripting languages like…

The Oligopoly Controlling Food

Categories: Soiciopolitics

Meet the uber-wealthy families who control much of the food system in the US and Australia Frerick realised that what was happening in the pork industry — this huge consolidation of power and wealth — was happening throughout the US food system. When he started investigating, he found that a handful of US families controlled…