Ah Paris…Las Vegas

I took this back in 2009 in Portsmouth, NH with a Canon PowerShot A560
The San Fernando Cascades, where water from the Los Angeles Aqueduct enters the Valley. The small one on the left is where Mulholland famously told a crowd of 30,000 people at its opening in 1913, There it is, take it. The larger Cascade on the right was completed in 1970 and feeds the Foothill power … Read More
It turns out there’s nice sunsets in Hawai’i. Next time, I really need to bring one of my real cameras and not just the phone.
I was rummaging through an old box and was excited to find some old pictures from my time in Japan that I hadn’t seen since I picked them up from the developer. These were taken on a disposable camera (could’ve been Kodak or Fuji, I used both all the time). The negatives were not in … Read More
Of the nearly 400,000 miles of road in California, the lightly traveled State Route 127 between Baker and the Nevada State Line is mostly an afterthought, yet it holds within its modest 90 miles of length the entire history of California’s Mojave Desert. It’s a story of rapacious plunder, Robber Barons, and those who followed in their wake after the mines played out.
A few pictures of my Devastator model from Furai
I printed out this Bulbasaur planter for one of my succulents