California SR 127 – A Tour Through Mojave History

Categories: Tales of Long Ago

Of the nearly 400,000 miles of road in California, the lightly traveled State Route 127 between Baker and the Nevada State Line is mostly an afterthought, yet it holds within its modest 90 miles of length the entire history of California’s Mojave Desert. It’s a story of rapacious plunder, Robber Barons, and those who followed in their wake after the mines played out.

KC-10s Prepare to Leave Travis AFB

Categories: Aviation It’s the end of an era. I never really worked on 10s, other than occasionally blocking one in at Yokota and being around them at Travis, but they were great to fly on and everyone I talked to who worked them seemed to like the plane (unlike a certain airframe whose nickname rhymes with…

I 3D Printed an Oddish Planter

Categories: Things I 3D Printed

The 3D printing cavalcade of planters continues, this time an Oddish planter. The Mario cube in the back was also 3D printed, but I printed the yellow and white parts separately and they didn’t quite line-up. If I did it again, I’d just print a single color and airbrush it, but I didn’t feel like…

Week in Review — 20240707

Categories: Week in Review

It turned out to be an eventful holiday week. The 4th of July was the usual: make some burgers & dogs, watch Independence Day, and listen to fireworks until about three in the morning. Oh, and there was a heat wave in progress, providing the veritable cherry on the cake. We went to a Dodger…

Shoot Drone, Get Free Package

Categories: Aviation

This isn’t an entirely new phenomenon — yokels have been shooting at planes for a long time. When I was stationed at Dover AFB, we’d occasionally find a bullet hole in the empennage, presumably fired by someone who didn’t know how to lead an aircraft, even one as large as a C-5, on approach.

Week in Review – 20220630

Categories: Week in Review

And so here we are, at the end of it all in June. It’s a cliche at this point, but my god does time slip on by so much faster the older you get. The first six months of this year might as well be a blur, so I’m hoping that writing down a weekly…