LADWP Power Plant 1

Categories: Photos

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, Power Plant 1. Completed in 1917, it was the first power plant to provide electricity to the city of Los Angeles, using water from the LA Aqueduct to turn waterwheels, generating 28MW of electricity. The power plant still operates today, providing 70MW of power, and two of the…

Bandai Clonetrooper Model

Categories: Photos

Bandai Clonetrooper model I completed. It came with both the Phase I and Phase II helmet options. It’s a great model — I prefer these to standard action figures. Now the question is, do I paint it to match someone from The Clone Wars?

The Mighty Etiwanda Falls

Categories: Photos

After a moderate hike full of cobblestones and other rocky debris up the trail from the Etiwanda Preserve, I arrived at the majestic Etiwanda Falls. Gaze upon their glory!