Week in Review – 20240616

Categories: Week in Review

This was thankfully a non-travel week for me in what has been a busy June so far, and I was able to start & continue several things this week

  • Started the Basics of Python3 course at Code Academy. I’ve dabbled in programming in several languages over the years–JavaScript, Java, C++–as well as scripting languages like HTML and CSS; however, I only learned those to complete specific tasks. I’m attempting to start an actual structured learning of a language to understand it, rather than grabbing what I need and moving on
  • Finished reading The Last Action Heroes by Nick De Semlyen. I may post a more in-depth review later, but this was a fun look into the rise and dominance of action movie stars in the 1980s. It spends a lot of time focused on Stallone and Schwarzenegger for obvious reasons, but the level of depth in the early chapters soon gives way to a shallower recitation of facts as it speeds past other stars of the era to its denouement
  • I rejuvenated my patio garden and 3D-printed a seed starter planter for some marigolds and zinnia as part of the overall project
  • I completed Week 3 of the Couch to 5K program. I haven’t run in years, but I’ve spent the last year towards achieving some semblance of fitness and decided to try my hand at running a 5K, which I’ve never done before. Other than some issues with my knee (I’m not a spring chicken anymore), it seems to be working

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