Week in Review – 20220630

Categories: Week in Review

And so here we are, at the end of it all in June. It’s a cliche at this point, but my god does time slip on by so much faster the older you get. The first six months of this year might as well be a blur, so I’m hoping that writing down a weekly summary helps, if only to let me know when something happened.

This week was more of a recovery from the last two weeks, which had me going to a trade show and then traveling out of state. I did a lot of catching up for work, but also added to my little patio garden. I bought some mini-succulents and started a raised bed with radishes and peas. It looks like the radishes are sprouting, but no signs of life from the peas yet.

I laid off the running for another week to let my knee heal some more, and rode the stationary bike instead. I’m also in my second real week of strength training, so I’m at the gym 5 days a week — 3 for cardio, two for strength. It seems to be keeping things where I want them so far.

I installed FreshRSS on my home server and began collecting feeds from various places to build a good stable of content.

I’ve been thinking of starting a podcast, because why not. I did my first podcasts in 2005-2006, back when the format was still an experimental, anything-goes concept that people were trying to figure out. I figure I could pick it back up again, but the big roadblock has been finding an evergreen concept and tone for a new one. The idea that I’ve been turning over in my head involves a contemporary version of drive-time radio from the old days, where a single person would talk about whatever interested them for an hour or two. It was pretty cool before it morphed into a vehicle for the hate brigade in the late ’80s.

I’m powering through the Intro to Python course, since we’re in the loops section. I’ve never really cared for loops all too much, so no surprise that I am ready to just. move. on.

My de-google-fication project continues apace. The goal is to decouple from all things Google, save a single email address. I’ve discarded drive, docs, chrome, and deleted their apps from my phone over the last few months as I transition to alternative services or local solutions. As an added bonus this week, I uninstalled Microsoft OneDrive and did my best to remove it from my PC, but it seems to have hooks in Windows 11 that remain even after uninstalling it.

All of my files are now saved on two different hard drives, as well as my NAS. Nothing’s stored in anyone’s cloud service at this point as far as I’m aware.

It’s a big holiday week coming up for the 4th of July, so I’m hoping things are slow and not too ridiculous with the noise. We’ve never hit 2020 levels of sheer explosive output, where it seemed like I was in Fallujah every night for 8 months, so I’m thankful that the cacophony has largely limited itself to the night of the 4th. Hopefully all the neighbors will retain their digits by the end of the week.


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