The Oligopoly Controlling Food

Categories: Soiciopolitics

Meet the uber-wealthy families who control much of the food system in the US and Australia

Frerick realised that what was happening in the pork industry — this huge consolidation of power and wealth — was happening throughout the US food system.

When he started investigating, he found that a handful of US families controlled most of the US’s food production and distribution system, including meat, dairy, grains, fruit and groceries.

While some have recognisable names, most are private individuals running private companies. All are worth billions of dollars.

Of course, it can all be traced back to Reagan:

…it was in the 1980s that the pro-corporate framework really took hold, Frerick says.

With the election of Republican president Ronald Reagan, Frerick says that “the guardrails came off and you see this massive consolidation of power in the hands of a few people”.


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