Week in Review – 2024-09-15

Categories: Week in Review

So Hell Week was quickly followed by Fire Week here in Southern California, as several pillars of smoke rose at once into the sky. There was the Airport Fire down in Orange County, The massive Line Fire over near Big Bear that looked like a volcanic eruption, and the Bridge Fire near me in the…

Week in Review – 2024-09-09

Categories: Week in Review

It’s a hot one. Like seven inches from the midday sun. For the last week. Day after day of heat so bad it makes you want to slap the people who were whining about the clouds and pleasant weather back in June. I’m gonna have to take out a second mortgage for the electric bill…

Week in Review 2024-09-02

Categories: Week in Review

It was a whirlwind week leading into the Labor Day weekend with everyone trying to get everything off their desks before the holiday, so work was chaotic most of the week until Friday. One of the great things about working in California is that for the most part, everyone pretty much agrees that the weekend…

Week in Review 20240812

Categories: Week in Review

Well the Olympics are over and I get to replay the same quadrennial nonsense that I always do: casual dismissal prior to the games, followed by growing emotional investment as I watch more and more events, followed by a crash after the closing ceremonies. You’d think I’d learn my pattern and change, but it’s my…

Week in Review 20240729

Categories: Week in Review

In the growing quest to finally turn one of my Raspberry Pis into a multi-functional machine, I installed Calibre and Calibre-Web on the Pi 5, along with a FreshRSS installation. I initially was going to use Docker to do this, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to get Docker…

Week in Review — 20240707

Categories: Week in Review

It turned out to be an eventful holiday week. The 4th of July was the usual: make some burgers & dogs, watch Independence Day, and listen to fireworks until about three in the morning. Oh, and there was a heat wave in progress, providing the veritable cherry on the cake. We went to a Dodger…

Week in Review – 20220630

Categories: Week in Review

And so here we are, at the end of it all in June. It’s a cliche at this point, but my god does time slip on by so much faster the older you get. The first six months of this year might as well be a blur, so I’m hoping that writing down a weekly…

Week in Review — 20240623

Categories: Week in Review

A lot of travel this week, limiting the amount of interesting things I could accomplish this past week. I was in Kansas City, MO for a good deal of it and overall it wasn’t too bad of a time. I stayed at the 21C hotel and you know you’re in for something less than ordinary…