Comics in Plastic Coffins: Vindicated at Last

Categories: I Got Something to Say I caught this video recently about the diminishing market for so-called “graded” comics, which are comic books that have been professionally evaluated by a neutral third party and then encased within an ultrasonically-welded plastic case to preserve their condition. Apparently, sellers can’t offload these anymore, because no one wants them. If this video is…

You Can (Not) Go Back

Categories: I Got Something to Say

Like many people, I departed Twitter after Musk purchased the company, since it seemed like as good a time as any to make a break with the service. The user experience predictably tanking shortly after also helped. Despite many predictions of its impending demise, it’s still chugging along thanks to the twin forces of habit…

Retreat to Move Forward: RSS

Categories: I Got Something to Say

There’s a popular belief that Google, and the internet in general, started going to shit the day it killed the beloved Google Reader. If nothing else, it was the first signal that the fun and experimental Google everyone knew and loved had put on its big boy pants and gotten down to Serious Business (i.e.,…

Retreat to Move Forward

Categories: I Got Something to Say

This really looks like it starts out of nowhere unless you read this first. The end result of the tech industry’s stagnation is that software has ceased being a useful tool and has instead become an increasingly mediocre service to funnel revenue to enrich investors and executives, while offering diminishing returns to the users. I’ve…

Tumbling Down

Categories: I Got Something to Say

What a crazy time. Twitter went into the shitter, Crypto bros tried to convince everyone they could get rich off a scam they created, and now the shiny new toy is a digital bullshit artist everyone is calling “AI.” In addition to all that nonsense, we’ve also seen the drive to make everything a subscription…