Week in Review — 20240623

Categories: Week in Review

A lot of travel this week, limiting the amount of interesting things I could accomplish this past week. I was in Kansas City, MO for a good deal of it and overall it wasn’t too bad of a time.

I stayed at the 21C hotel and you know you’re in for something less than ordinary when you enter the front doors and proceed down a false corridor to find a neon uterus waiting at the end:

please do not touch the art, it may fight back

The hotel, originally the Savoy and built in 1888, has art installations all over the first floor and original paintings in the rooms. Most of the artwork on the first floor followed “The Future is Female” theme and featured an eclectic mix of sculptures, photography, and other works from local artists.

I kept wondering what the ghosts must have thought of it all.

Of course, since this was a work trip, my time was heavily structured so I didn’t have any free time to explore the city, much less the Power and Light district. My time in Kansas City was marked by fatigue and viewed mostly through the window of a chartered bus. The hotel at least offered some bit of culture during my stay, and while I appreciated it for what it was, I think I may have preferred to stay at a place that was a bit more authentic to its past and location, instead of something that could’ve been plucked from anywhere in West LA.

I got home on Thursday, tried to get some work done from the home office and promptly fell asleep around noon. I woke up some time later and hoped it was Friday but alas, ’twas not to be and begrudgingly finished out the rest of the work week, before heading to the garden store to pick-up supplies and new pots for the patio garden.

I was surprised to see my herb box had green shoots just days after I planted them — the Basil and Thyme are coming up fast, and the first hints of Parsley are poking up through the soil as well. The marigolds I’d planted in my 3D-printed starter have emerged, though the zinnia seem to be duds at the moment.

I’ll be getting back to the Python 3 course at Code Academy this week. I left off at the introduction to functions, so I’m finally getting into the good stuff. It’s a 25 hour course and I’m only 23% done, so there’s still a ways to go on that.

In addition to that unmitigated excitement, I’ll be resuming my normal gym schedule. My knee’s giving me trouble, so the 5K training will have to wait. It looks like I’ll be on the stationary bike for at least the next week, but I really hope the knee issue is a transitory thing. I’m finally getting to the point where I have good breathing control and don’t feel too winded when running and I’d hate to lose that by being too long from it.


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