WiR 2025-03-07

Categories: Week in Review

It’s been awhile since I’ve recounted the past week, mostly because not much is going on, but also the usual seasonal blahs hit and I wasn’t feeling it. But this week was chock full of stuff. Let’s get to it:

I had an MRI done of my head and I’ve been able to prove to my 4th grade teacher that I do indeed have a brain. The MRI itself was interesting experience. I wondered why they gave me some earmuffs when I laid down on the table, but after I slid into the tube and the machine started-up, it became immediately clear as what sounded like old school disk drives on their last legs ground away for 20 minutes.

At a certain points, there was a nice bass line going and I started filling in melodies to keep from falling asleep. When I got back, I made a quick and dirty video to recapture the experience:

I also cleaned some more stuff out of the garage and cleared some shelves, so I was able to put-up my C-5 Galaxy model that I received from my friends when I left one of my assignments. It’s a solid, painted wooden model of fantastic quality. I’ve been wanting to take it out of its box and put it up somewhere for years, so I’m happy I finally found a spot for it.

A bunch of bulbs I planted a couple of months ago finally sprouted. I bought these in an assortment bag from Lowes, so I had no idea what they were until they bloomed, but the first ones to come up appear to be hyacinths

Finally, I got a fat stack of CDs this week to add to the collection. I’ve long since moved past rebuilding my previous collection and started grabbing good deals on albums that I may have missed or wanted but couldn’t afford at the time.

According to the spreadsheet, I’ve collected 74 albums so far, so it’s a good start.


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