The Dismantling of American Innovation

Categories: Sociopolitics

As we swim out past the breakers and watch the world die, here’s a good article that describes what’s going on (among other things) is the irrevocable destruction of the system that made the US the preeminent technological power of the late 20th & early 21st centuries

What’s not mentioned is that this is being done because the billionaires want to be the last batch of billionaires ever. They’re consolidating their wealth and power to the point that no one else can rise up to challenge their cabal, but in a more sinister sense, they also view nation-states as obsolete or mere middle-men to serve their needs. The treasuries belong to them. Whatever mechanisms of government that they allow to persist are meant to benefit them alone. The mass of people only exist to be useful to them and then discarded once we’re not.

They want to cull our numbers through disease (see the anti-vax movement they’ve funded and popularized), climate change effects, poor or non-existent health care who’s primary purpose is to extract maximum profit from our sickness and death, killing each other via ever escalating violence as basic necessities are constrained and priced out of reach, and untold other ways by removing the last remnants of civilized life from us. Because we’re eating and using what they view as their resources.

It’s a Neo-feudal worldview that they’re bringing into reality first in the United States, and then elsewhere once they work the bugs out.


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